It is with no doubt that Thai food has made a name for itself throughout the world in such high lengths that it does not need much introduction as well as explanation as far as its culture, heritage and taste goes. In fact, one cannot claim oneself as a food lover especially of that of Asian cuisines if Thai food has not been a part of the repertoire. Thai food is quite amazing that people from different parts of the world are appreciating all the goodness it has to offer.
This book is a result of a six month journey amongst people’s opinions and first hand research. Finding the exact locations that the local Thai people have said was not close to a cakewalk. Their sense of direction was not as informative in such a way that it would be helpful for tourists. We mostly got answers such as “They have great pork noodles behind the bus station in Phuket Town” and no matter how tedious finding these food places were, our passion in sharing did not stop us.
Thai Street Food transports readers straight into the bustling heart of Thailand’s colorful street stalls and markets–from the predawn rounds of monks fanning out along the aisles, and to the made-to-order stalls ablaze in neon which is jammed with hungry locals after dark.
Ronnie Eide is the author of “How to Live Rich Anywhere in the World